Exit Poll

Topic:- Exit Poll

Namaskar Dosto, Today will be see in this blog all about Exit Poll. So your are welcome to Hot Topic Blogs ..
Content : (Exit Poll)

# What are Exit Poll?

The exit pol are post voten polls which are conducted aaaaafter voters have lassst theire votes. The polls aim to predict the final result on the basic of the information collected from the voters after they walk out of the poling booth. Unlike an opinion poll,which asks the voters whom they plan to vote for,the exit polls asks the voters ''ehom they actually voters for"

# Who conducts the exit polls?(Exit Poll)

The poll are conducted by the help of Private Firms and Media Org. Such as Today's voters,news18,repiblic voters,abpcsds chanakya,repiblic-jan & Chintamani.

# How are they conducted?(Exit Poll)

Agencies are carry out exit polls through the Method of ''Random Sasmpling". Some also for systematics sampling to predict the actual results.The agencies are people from age group are diffrernts,Gender,Religion,cawste &Region whom they voted for.

# How are the Exit Polls Calculated?

The Firms Conductings the Exit Polls Usually ask voters who therry voted for & on the basic of that,they make their final results presdicatin. The predication is based on the fact that the voter have given correct.

# When are exit poll released?

The Exit Poll aaaare only allowed to be published half an hour after the conclusion of the last phasev of polling. The polls are releasded after aspprovalsfrom the "ElectionCommission of India".

# Why is there a restricationon the publishing of Exit Poll?

The election commission,exercising it's power stated under section 126A of the Representation of the peopkle act, 1951 prohibits the release of the Exit Poll.In order to safeguard democracy,Before the Conclusion of Polling.

Acording to EC, Publisshing sthe prediction of the aaaaaactual aresult aabefore the conclusion of polling may possibaly influence theb minds of Electors.

                                                                                     Written by Kumar Anubhav....


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